Friday, March 18, 2011

it's a war..,



sincerely i was really upset for the first time i was informed that i must go for national service., i have my own plan for my future, such as attending driving class, cooking class (by ny mum.!), archery (SUPER), and so many things.! 

i was just finishing my exam (huh,spm was just make me anxious! HAHA)., so in mean time, i was at school,never been at home (really miss my sweet home).. seriusly focus on my spm., yea,that's my only chance for me to face the world.i don't want to be like everyone.i want to be someone differ than others.i must know the reality,i must hold the world, and for sure,the world is mine..,act,that's not my first ambition. i want to hold the world for islam. that is my first aim..,yea insyaallah~

i really want to be at home that time.,i was at hostel for nearly 5 weeks if i'm not mistaken.,preparing for a war., SPM is just.,(urgghhh, dont want to say anything about it).,HAAA.,okay then alhamdulillah everything has been done insyaalah perfectly..,at last, i was at home., YEYYYEEEEYYEAEAAHAHHAAHAOUOUOAHAHAHAA..!! it was a joy that can't be translate,can't be explain.can't be figure out.!

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